
Ukrainian ingenuity and robustness



Ducky Catamarans, a trade name of Yukon-A LLC, was founded in 1999 by Alexander Kondaurov with headquarters and manufacturing in Kyiv, Ukraine. The founding team had previous experience designing, producing, and operating inflatable sailing catamaran prototypes as far back as 1976. Under Soviet rule, private yachts were disallowed, so groups of like-minded sailors cobbled together their own sailboats until the dissolution of the USSR in 1991. Today, Ducky consists of a small passionate team of 10-20 people, producing high quality boats by hand. While they have a small network of dealers around the word, their primary market has been Ukraine sailors for the Black Sea and the Dnipro River. Sailing Awaits is proud to support Ukraine in its time of need to help Ducky reach the North American market.

What differentiates Duckys from MiniCats is a centerboard instead of keel fins for maneuverability and structural H-ladder frame that runs the full length of the pontoons, providing structural rigidity forward of the mast. Because of that, many models have a load-bearing front trampoline that comes standard, providing a larger deck for crew and gear. Halyards run internal to the 4 section mast, and load forces from the stays are distributed to the corners of the support structure rather than a central point, allowing crew to better provide counter ballast. In addition, each of the pontoons are dual-chamber (4 chambers in total), which provides rigidity and redundancy. However, the additional structure and wires does increase assembly time.

Ducky 16 at the 2023 Seattle Boat Show

Choose Your Model

Ducky 14s (sport edition)

  • smaller base with larger sails = speed (sport oriented)

  • dual rudder (like a Hobie) for better steerage when flying a hull

  • H-frame, but no front trampoline

  • dual chamber pontoons for rigidity and redundancy


  • the boat

  • boat bags, rudder/centerboard bags, and other gadget bags

  • manual inflation pump

  • pressure gauge

  • user manual with assembly instructions

  • masthead float (upgraded)

  • rub strip reinforcement on bottom of pontoons (upgraded)

  • mainsail boltrope slot guide (standard)

  • tiller extension (standard)

Sale Price: $7,000.00 Original Price: $7,600.00

Ducky 16

Ducky 16

  • larger base with smaller sails = greater stability (family oriented)

  • center rudder

  • H-frame with weight-bearing front-trampoline (standard)

  • dual chamber pontoons for rigidity and redundancy


  • the boat

  • boat bags, rudder/centerboard bags, and other gadget bags

  • manual inflation pump

  • pressure gauge

  • user manual with assembly instructions

  • V-shaped pontoon (upgraded)

  • masthead float (upgraded)

  • rub strip reinforcement on bottom of pontoons (upgraded)

  • mainsail boltrope slot guide (upgraded)

  • tiller extension (upgraded)

Sale Price: $9,000.00 Original Price: $10,000.00

Technical Specs

Ducky 14s

Length - 440 cm (14.4 ft)

Weight - 62 kg (137 lb)

Bags - 3 + sail

Assembly Time - 50 min

Capacity - 250 kg (551 lb) / designed for 2 adults

Mast - 655 cm (21.5 ft) 4-piece aluminum alloy mast

Mainsail - 9 m² (97 ft²) kevlar reinforced mylar and Dacron

Pontoons - 440 x 45 cm (14.4 x 1.5 ft) reinforced PVC dual-chamber

Centerboard - Fiberglass

Rudder - Fiberglass

Assembled dimensions - 440 x 220 x 700 cm (14.4 x 7.2 x 23 ft)

Bag dimensions -

180 x 25 x 25 cm (5.9 x 0.8 x 0.8 ft)
180 x 25 x 25 cm (5.9 x 0.8 x 0.8 ft)
80 x 40 x 30 cm (2.6 x 1.3 x 1 ft)
sail:195 x 22 x 22 cm (6.4 x 0.7 x 0.7 ft)

Ducky 16

Length - 480 cm (15.7 ft)

Weight - 65 kg (143 lb)

Bags - 3

Assembly Time - 45 min

Capacity - 350 kg (771 lb) / designed for 4 adults

Mast - 590 cm (19 ft) 4-piece aluminum alloy mast

Mainsail - 6.2 m² (67 ft²) Dacron

Jibsail - 1.8 m² (19 ft²) Dacron

Pontoons - 480 x 54 cm (15.7 x 1.7 ft) reinforced PVC dual-chamber

Centerboard - Fiberglass

Rudder - Fiberglass

Assembled dimensions - 480 x 240 x 640 cm (15.7 x 7.5 x 21 ft)

Bag dimensions -

180 x 40 x 25 cm (5.9 x 1.3 x 0.8 ft)
180 x 25 x 25 cm (5.9 x 0.8 x 0.8 ft)
80 x 40 x 30 cm (2.6 x 1.3 x 1 ft)


Product Manuals & Videos

Ducky 14s

Ducky 16